Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Compassion is something that has become increasingly rare these days.  It is easy to be compassionate to someone that is hurting or who has suffered a loss, but what I am talking about is the every day compassion to those around us.  What really got me thinking about this was the recent “miscalculation” of Christ’s return by Harold Camping.  I expected the secular and atheist groups to mock him, but even many church and Christian teachers were jumping on him, making a mockery of him, and to those who do not know Christ, a mockery of the Church.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe Camping’s teachings are false when it comes to predicting the date of the rapture and I know little of his teaching beyond that, but a good friend of mine made a great statement: “If we believed in our hearts that we knew when Jesus was returning to take home His Church, wouldn’t we want to tell everyone we knew?”  That got me thinking: “Why don’t we, The Church, have that same urgency of His return?”  I mean, the information, the relationship we have with Christ is what will save others from an eternal destiny of torment - Hell!  Do we really lack compassion for the lost that much?
The Church’s mission is to Make Disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).  To do so, The Church (that is US) must build trust with those who are lost, sharing our lives with lost people - the very lives that Christ transformed from a lost, sinful soul to a new creation of infinite worth - in the hope that they will want Christ as well!  The only thing we have to offer others is the very hope that saves lives!
How often have you been listening to someone speak and that person begins to put someone else down to make themselves look good?  Do you trust them after hearing that?  Me neither!
I am not making a stand on Camping’s teachings by any means - predicting dates is flat wrong, but we don’t need to humiliate him to make that statement.  My point is that when we treat everyone with compassion, we are teaching those around us (our family, friends and those we mentor) that people matter to God and us.  Lost people need Christ, and we must represent Him well.  How many people have been brought into the Kingdom by being humiliated for their beliefs?  God grieves over them!  However, how many people have been won to the Kingdom by grace and love?  Only God knows, and I am pretty sure that is why He taught us to extend grace and love as well as we seek to become more like Christ every day!

Romans 5:21
so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Build Others Up, Don't Tear Them Down

God has really been working in my heart lately regarding the words we use in conversation.  In my many failures, especially in my family, I am learning that my words can build others up or tear them down.  Not a new concept, but one that is broken often...and it is not much different in the Christian community as a whole.  The shock value of using sarcastic humor or rude, derogatory terms when talking to each other only tears down and never builds up.  Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  I’ve been humbled this week with this reminder from God’s word!
So, what does this all have to do with mentoring?  It is impossible to build trusting, God-centered relationships with others while using humor and language that does not honor God.  Mentoring fits well in the verse above: mentoring builds others up, doesn’t tear them down. 
I pray for God to bring to our minds Ephesians 4:29 this month as we have conversations with others; and I pray he calls us out when we fail!  It is ok to fail...we have a great opportunity to grow when we fail.  However, failure is not ok when we choose to stay stuck in the patterns of this world.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results! 
Seek out those people in your everyday lives and get into relationship with them.  As a Christ-Follower, we represent Him to the world...and He builds us up!  Why wouldn’t we do the same for everyone else?
1 Thessalonians 5: 11a Therefore encourage one another and build each other up...