Monday, January 21, 2013

Taking Inventory

In a sin-sick, fallen world, we, as followers of Christ, cannot sit by idling learning more about God, or worse, thinking we don't need to know more about Him...No! We must not only learn about Him, we must build a love relationship with Him, and show others His love and grace, applying what we have learned in relationship with God to the relationships we, friends, neighbors, co-workers, restaurant servers, gas station attendants (everyone).  

We cannot only accept His salvation, we must make Him Lord of our life, giving Him full charge of every thought, word and deed.  Giving Him complete control of our lives is the first step in developing a biblical worldview where we live our lives for Him, the One we will live with for eternity!

This week, take inventory of a couple things as you go on your way:

1) Watch where and how you spend your money.  Is that spending self-serving or others-focused?  

Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

2) Watch where and how you spend your time?  Are you making the most of the time you've been given? 

Colossians 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

3) Listen to those little nudges (that's the Holy Spirit)...when God prompts you to ask a question (something as simple as asking someone how they really are doing) or simply to spark a conversation with someone, are you focused more on the task you have at hand or the person you have come in contact?  

God wants to work through His people to bring comfort and love to a lost world.  Many, if not most, of the people in which we come in contact do not know Jesus Christ.  We have the transformative message that people desperately need.  We need simply to be obedient when God speaks to us in that little nudge we feel.  I guarantee you will never wish you hadn't when you trust Him enough to reach out to someone who is lost!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Defining Relational Discipleship

Relational Discipleship includes both mentoring and discipleship.  Relationships with God and with one-another are key in every aspect of our lives as we develop a biblical worldview.

Mentoring is building a relationship with someone and modeling how to live a life that reflects the character of God.

Discipleship is strengthening someone's relationship with Christ by teaching them how to live a life that reflects the character of God.

You mentor non-believers - seekers as well as people far from God - as well as believers who may be struggling or just stuck in their faith.  Everything we say and do must reflect the character of God when we claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  Mentoring always points others to Jesus by both words and deeds!

You disciple someone once they have received Christ as their Savior AND have made Him Lord of their life.  This is absolutely crucial - we can be very selfish in our faith if we think having Jesus as our Savior is enough...after all, He died for me, right?  Transformation in our lives only happens when we make Him Lord - giving Him complete control of our lives...our thought life as well as our active life!  Giving Jesus Lord status in our lives is the first step in developing a Biblical Worldview (viewing everything through the eyes of Jesus).  Making Him Lord is also the starting point in fulfilling the Great Commission to Go Make Disciples because we begin caring about the things that God cares about - lost people!

Living a life that reflects the character of God is an active, loving response to His love and grace.  We don't do anything to gain approval or love; we do everything in response to the love and grace He has shown us.  There's a big difference in both responses!  That difference is a matter of abundant life and bondage!

1 John 4:8 (ESV) - Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.