Monday, September 12, 2011

Are You Loving Others Sacrificially?

             I’ve been presenting these little inserts for 7 months now and have repeated  many times how every conversation can and ought to be a mentoring conversation when Jesus is at the center of who we are.  That phrase may sound coined, but it is truly becoming a part of who I am and what God calls us all to be a part of—making disciples!  God has given me a deeper burden this month for this call on our lives as individuals, a congregation, and community.  What I am about to say may sound harsh, but when God prompts me to say something I seldom ask Him to clarify...I let Him work how He wants to through me.  Here goes:
What are YOU doing...better yet, WHO are you serving?  With whom are you investing, building a relationship, mentoring for the sake of the individual and the Kingdom of God?  I feel we, The Church, need to get off our backsides and proclaim what an awesome God we get to serve and what an awesome Savior we have in Jesus Christ!  You don’t need to go out and begin a street evangelism movement to proclaim how great our God is; but you CAN invest in others with the goal of God intervening in their lives and drawing them to Himself.  We have a part in this awesome work—the work that The Church was intended to do from the start!  It is simple others as Christ has loved you—sacrificially! 
How are you doing with loving those around you?  Whether they are loveable or not is never the question!  We, The Church, are on a mission from God! Jesus tells us to Go make disciples, Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and Teach them all that He has commanded.  Go, Baptize and Teach! 
When we Go, we are mentoring every person we come in contact with—loving them by getting to know them, leading them toward a new or deeper relationship with God.  Baptizing is when someone begins their relationship with Christ and proclaims, “I am Yours God and I want everyone to know about it!”  And Teaching them is the process of Discipleship—growing them up to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Commit to memory Matthew will transform your way of life!  It has mine!
Here’s my challenge to you: Investigate your life, your heart, and boldly pray to God for a vision (or calling) for your life that is bigger than you; that only God can accomplish.  Then take steps in joining Him in that vision!  There is no better place to be than directly in the center of God’s will.  Love God and love’s that simple!  Remember this: callings from God are never self-serving!