A few people find me weird. Ok, maybe a couple more than a few! I change the words to many worship songs to sing TO God, not ABOUT Him. (“How Great You are God” instead of “How Great is Our God” for example) It is how I can enter a deeper time of worship! Sometimes I like to lighten the room with some humor…and at times, it may be less than appropriate! I like to eat smoked sausage and applesauce…together! Just dip and eat! My Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike introduced my sister Tam and me to home-made ham salad with peanut butter and cheese…on toast. And by the way, it is good! Yeah, weirdness runs in the family! I even tried chocolate syrup on a hot dog once…just ONCE! (OK, maybe twice!)

Mmmm...Smoked Sausage!  Add applesauce, and...you know you want some!

You want to know what else I do all too often? I sin! I am not proud of it, but still it is at my core. The thing is, I am a sinner, not because I sin, but I sin because I am a sinner. I am a sinner because I am human and every person that has ever been on this planet has been a sinner at their very core. When the first people on the planet turned their back on God and sinned, we now all suffer the consequence – and that is sin! Is it fair? No! Is it true? Absolutely! I love the analogy of putting two toddlers in a room with one toy and see how sinful they can become. Not because they want to be sinful, but because it is in their very nature.

With that said, we may be tempted to say, “I can’t help it because it is who I am”. If you get pulled over for driving 30 miles over the speed limit, I doubt the officer is going to let you off the hook because sin is part of you. No, there are consequences to our sin. If I were to ask many of you if sin is the problem, and you really thought about it, you might say that sin is not the problem…the consequence is the problem! But you know what? The opposite is true! Consequences are the beginning of the solution!

James 1:2 – 4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

You see, when we face trials we have the opportunity to grow. If we never had to face a trial, or a consequence to our sin, we would never have a chance to test our faith and become mature followers of Christ. Will we ever get there? Not until we are taken up to be with the Father! Life is a constant journey of sanctification (to set apart as holy, free from sin), ebbing and flowing with sin and reconciliation, and many opportunities for growth!

So, when my kids do something I feel is wrong, I sometimes overreact…and way more often than I’d like to admit! They are all great kids…I hear it all the time from others and I see it first hand every day! So, since they are great kids they should never sin, right? Sounds kind of silly now doesn’t it? Of course they should, they are not perfect…just like me!

When my wife disappoints me, I clam up. I wouldn’t want to actually talk about it with her. She might overreact and that wouldn’t be good! Oh yeah, she’s human too and, you guessed it, she sins just like I do!

Trials, Trials, Trials…don’t you just hate ‘em! I, I, I mean…love them! 
Maybe it’s time to “Grow Up” and face these trials the way God intends – by confronting the issues in love…whether you have sinned or have been sinned against! It doesn’t matter! Someone has to take the first step. Why shouldn’t it be you? By the way, I am speaking to myself here as well! Looks like I have marching orders for tonight!

“Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world (lies, sin, hiding from consequences or confrontation), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (focus on God’s Truth in His Word – The BIBLE).” (That’s the first half of Roman’s 12:2)

With all the wrongs I have done in my life, I have to say the one thing I have been getting right is that I am in God’s word every day! I cannot imagine a day without it and I cannot imagine how un-Godly (so to speak) I would be if I was not in His word daily! I still screw up a lot! But again this journey we are on is not easy, and we will face many trials, but the end is so sweet!

So get in God’s word today! If you are new at it, start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Then, pass it on! There is no greater thing to pass along to the next generation than faith in Jesus Christ and the love of God’s word.

It has been so amazing to see my kids all place their faith in Jesus Christ and have passions for the things that God desires in them. I thank God that He convicted Lisa and me to raise them to be Christ followers. As parents (and really anyone that has faith in Christ) we have been given a huge opportunity to share what we know to be true with those around us. Whether we know it or not, others are watching what we do, especially our kids! My kids now love Jesus Christ…and they love smoked sausage with applesauce too!