Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy New Year - New You...With God at the Center!

How much time do we waste doing sinful things (lying, cheating, lusting, coveting, gossiping, etc.) when we could be doing redemptive things?  Having a Biblical Worldview frees up so much wasted time that the excuse that I am too busy is no longer valid!
How do you know if you are wasting redemptive time on things not of God?  One simple measure is that when God shows you a need, or gives you a heart for someone or something, or gives you a desire to give of your time or finances, and you cannot “fit it into your schedule” or “into your budget”, then you need to step back and see what or who is taking place of God in your life!  Good things in our eyes, without God at the center, become idols in our lives…thus, they are sin!
When God is at the center, we will always have time to join Him in His mission.  He desires all of us, not just what’s left after the budget or after our selfish wants are met.  God will never ask more of you than what He has equipped (or will equip) you to do…and He will walk you through everything He calls you to do!
As 2012 approaches, evaluate your life and the things that take up much of your time.  Pray that God shows you what is sinful that needs to be removed, and what is of Him that needs to be developed!  Then, get rid of the sin and join Him in His redemptive work in your life!  You will be blessed and those around you will be blessed even more!  Make 2012 the year that God made a huge move in your life…and don’t look back!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!!!
             I love this time of year with everything from the most important reason for celebrating, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to the music, decorations and the Christmas shows.  I even like Christmas shopping, as long as I am done before Thanksgiving!
             With the economy being down for so long, I’ve noticed that a few great messages are being put out there for people to hear.  One in particular that makes me smile is the thought of giving yourself for Christmas.  I have heard this from both secular and Christian sources, which is rather encouraging!  Even in a down economy, most of us here in America have all we need…except for loved ones around just spending time with each other, loving each other, building each other up, reminiscing, helping those in need, and asking for help when we are in need.  You know, doing life with one-another the way Jesus did.  There is no sacrifice that we will ever make that will remotely compare to the one He made on our behalf, and the Christmas season is a great time for us all to remember what’s important in life—God first, then Family, Friends, etc.  When we live that way, it is never a sacrifice to spend time with one-another, serving one-another, loving one-another, mentoring each other...It becomes part of who we are and how we relate to everyone around us!  We love because He first loved us! 1 John 4:19 
As the New Year approaches, I pray that you will look around and see who God has placed in your life.  As you do, start with a simple prayer for God to reveal to you one or two people that He would like for you to invest in - mentor.  Then, once He has shown you those in your everyday life to whom He wants you to build-up, join Him in the work He is doing all around you.  Get to know others this year and let God do the transforming in their hearts...and yours!
Merry Christmas and may God bless you with a mentoring heart in 2012! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Seek Justice, Love Mercy...Walk Humbly with Your God

Many of you have seen the movies by Sherwood Baptist; “Flywheel”, “Facing the Giants”, “Fireproof”, and most recently, “Courageous”.  I will be the first to say I love these movies and think the Kendrick brothers are doing an awesome work down there in GA.  However, my thinking of how to best utilize these movies has taken a paradigm shift over the last couple days.  Let me explain:
When these movies (Blockbuster Christian Films that is) first started coming out, I would invite everyone I knew (Christian or not) and would encourage everyone to see them.  I thought that the movies, in and of themselves, were great tools for evangelism, and in some ways they were (and still are to some).  The problem is this: many people, who are skeptics (Secular and Christian!), go to these movies looking for faults, not the gospel!  The Kendrick’s have done a great job of presenting the gospel in their movies, but it is up to us as Christians to be the mediators (so to speak) between the message and those we are inviting.  We must invite conversation and be willing to discuss whatever comes up about the movie, faith, or even the acting!  When you, a Christian man, tear up in Fireproof or Courageous when you see faults in yourself and in how you relate to your family, don’t be surprised when your buddy knocks the movie that moved you because the acting wasn’t “great” or the message was “preachy”.  Just like when Jesus would tell parables, only those who follow Jesus are illuminated to the light of the message of the gospel when told in story form!
The shift in me has looked something like this:
I now see these movies as encouragers for Christians to get out, get encouraged, and mentor others.  I see them as tools for Christians to invite friends and converse as they mentor the people in their circle of influence.  The reason these movies have flickered, made great money, and then have all but been forgotten, is because we (in general) have not utilized them as tools for the gospel to those around us.  Christians go and spend their money on tickets and watch the movies, are moved, and go home…but that’s it!  Others are invited or stumble upon these movies, but very few people are won to the Kingdom by handing them a New Testament, then never following up on it!  Relationships are the key to the gospel taking root and the Kingdom being built!  The discussions after the movie are more important than the actual movie!  
I also see the role the local church must take in order to fulfill the great commission.  Even if these movies are helping people make that profession of faith, or recommitment (and they are for some), Jesus never told us that we were to go make converts!  We are to make disciples!  So regardless of the ideas you may have about the purpose of these movies, the goal still falls back on each of us, The Church, to make disciples!  That involves relationships!
So, my shift has been that these movies are: 1) encouragers for Christians, 2) discussion starters for Christians to mentor those in their sphere of influence, and 3) outreach events where the goal is to have relationships, discussions afterward to best utilize the message of these films.
The title song from “Courageous” has been produced by the group Casting Crowns and is a great song.  One line has stuck with me over the past few weeks:
                “Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with Your God…”
Seek Justice – This is our natural human reaction, wanting justice to be served!
Love Mercy – This is the understanding of a Biblical Worldview…seeing the world from God’s perspective.  Love God and Love Others…the greatest commandments as deemed by Jesus!
Walk Humbly with Your God – This is the result of living a life where you seek justice (from God’s perspective) and love mercy (by seeing the world the way Jesus does!)
So, go see the movies, even take a friend, but don’t let it drop there.  Let that be the springboard to a great discussion.  You never know where God will take it when you offer Him your obedient heart!