My daughter Chloe and I have been reading through Genesis lately, and it is amazing how fresh and new these old familiar Scriptures can be when looking through the lens of a child.
Chloe is 8 years old right now, and as we read, we ask questions and discuss the chapters as we go. As adults, we sometimes get into a routine of reading passages that we know without really thinking them least not beyond face value.
When we read about the animals that Noah was to house in the ark, it is easy to remember that they entered "two-by-two". But can you answer the question that we discussed: how many cows entered the ark? See Genesis 7!
It was fun going through the verses with her and discussing the reasons why there were 14 cows that entered the ark. You see, all clean animals were to have 7 pair for sacrifices and later for eating...and, God had not yet allowed the eating of meat prior to the flood!
One little side note about this verse...and it's enough to deepen your faith that God truly exists. God lays out all the animals that are deemed clean for sacrifice and eating. That list has been scientifically proven to be 100% accurate due to the way those animals were created. Only God could have given that list to man before they were even considered edible! Check it out in scripture...
These little tidbits of info are there for us to share with our kids to deepen our faith and theirs and to disciple them as they grow in their relationship to God. It never ceases to amaze me how God's word can surprise you when looking at it through the eyes of a chid!
So read the scriptures with your kids and ask then questions as well as have them ask you questions. You may just strengthen your faith along with your child!
Welcome! My name is Rob Boyland and my passion is Relational Discipleship (Mentoring). Mentoring is simply living out your faith in every area of your life, and in every conversation you have! Every relationship we have is a mentoring relationship when we live our entire life for Christ...are we representing Jesus well to those around us? THIS BLOG HAS MOVED TO Please visit us there!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Faith Without Action is Dead!
James 2:14-17 NIV84 "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
This scripture is just another great example of God’s heart placed on the pages of the Bible. It doesn’t mean you have to work your way into heaven. It means that once you have saving faith in Christ, your actions will define your faith because of the transformation occurring inside of you!
When God places a burden on my heart, I tend to become very sensitive when I see it in action. For example, what has become heightened in my perception over the past few months are comments like, “I’m too busy to…” In the Church, this often involves volunteering to serve others. Or how about, “I’m not being fed”. Going through times of needing to “be fed” are natural in the discipleship process, but we cannot take refuge there! No coasting into the Kingdom!
I’ve discovered that the phrase, “I’m too busy to…”, simply means that my agenda has taken precedence over God’s will for my life. God may be nudging you to volunteer with the youth, or maybe as a greeter, or a mentor, but the busyness of “life” has gotten in the way of where God desires to utilize your gifts and passions (the very ones He gave you). Many may say that they are too busy with “church work” to mentor...God will never call you to a ministry to only make your life miserable due to busyness...remember what Jesus said in Matthew 11:30 - "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He also told us in Matthew 28:18-20 to go make disciples...according to these scriptures, making disciples is simply part of who we are when we put God first in all we do. That is why He made mentoring as simple as building relationships with Him at the center!
"I'm not being fed" simply means that I am relying on someone else to give me the milk of God's word instead of taking the responsibility myself to study God's word to discern what God wants to reveal to me and where He wants me to join Him in the work He has given. It's time for meat, and the meat of scripture is living it out and serving others - loving God, loving others and making disciples!
My goal in writing these blog posts is never to condemn or judge anyone...God has called us out of judging others. My goal is to pass along what I feel the Holy Spirit has prompted me to write, for my sake as well as yours. My prayer for you will be that God uses these little posts to nudge your heart and call you to action. Prayerfully investigate your heart and life and see where God may be prompting you to serve and who God may want you to mentor...then take action and join God! As a follower of Christ, sometimes the faith part is easy...but action takes courage! Be courageous and take action where God prompts you. Watch where God is working, pray and listen for His call, then join Him boldly!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
To Conform, or Not to Conform...
I had an interesting thought this morning based on a passage of scripture that is dear to my heart.
In Romans 12:2, Paul gives us great counsel on how to live the Christian life. He writes, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God`s will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This is such a powerful verse and has been an incredible scripture for my personal spiritual growth in the past and today! The verse makes so much sense to me as a Christian…do not become so accustomed to what the world calls good, focus your mind on what God says is good and conform to that!
One reason this verse means so much to me is because God used this verse to get me focused on Him and not on the world. I used to be a sports radio junkie! Anything to do with sports, I was listening to it: ESPN radio, Mike and Mike, local sports …you name it. If you’ve ever listened to sports talk radio (and most other talk radio for that matter), the bulk of the conversations are negative, degrading, argumentative, and downright rude! For an entire year, I turned off all sports talk radio and focused my mind on scripture and Christian radio. I tried to listen to sports radio after that year and it made me cringe how negative the talk was and how disgusted it made me feel. I had filled my mind with this junk for years, and when you fill your mind with junk, a whole lot of junk comes out of your mouth! Garbage in, garbage out! Over that year, my relationships at home and with my friends changed (I still struggle with sarcastic humor…I am working on it!). I was calmer, not jumping to conclusions, forcing my opinion on others or arguing for the sake of being right. I didn’t put people down, see them as problems, or look past those in need. My perspective completely shifted…to a more biblical worldview! I am not saying that I am perfect in this area, but I can honestly say that I am a changed person (ask my wife)! By the way, I refuse to listen to sports talk even to this day…Going on 11 years!
That brings me back to my thought from this morning though…since the bulk of society, as well as most people claiming to be Christians, does not have a biblical worldview (seeing everything in life from the perspective of the Kingdom of God) how would this verse apply to them? Unfortunately, the “world” (I will define the “world” as non-Christians or Christians who do not hold true to biblical values) has their own version of this verse they use daily…they may not quote it, but their lives show it: I will not conform any longer to the pattern of the Church, I will be transformed by the relaxing of my mind. Then I will be able to impose my will on others…my good, pleasing and perfect will. New World Paraphrase.
Think about it…divorce is rampant, and people in the Church are as likely as non-churched people to get a divorce. Co-habitation has passed marriage in this country as the norm for a “committed” couple. Abortion is ok because a baby may intrude on my lifestyle. Lying is ok as long as “no one gets hurt”. Watching inappropriate stuff on TV is no problem because everyone else is watching. Viewing pornography isn’t really hurting anyone. Need I go on?
We have become so “ME” oriented that we have lost complete sight of God’s perspective on life – a biblical worldview. I have my theory as to why…want to hear it? We, The Church, have become so inward that we have forgotten what Jesus’ commanded us…to Go and Make Disciples! Jesus’ mentoring program was amazing and is very simple to follow. Yet, The Church has focused either on themselves (which will never make a disciple) or they have become so “seeker friendly” that they are afraid they will offend someone for sharing their faith. Both are cop outs! Focusing only on the members of our local congregations will only breed more self-serving, self-centered people that really believe it is all about them! Becoming so much like the secular world in order to draw in non-believers and then not sharing your faith creates…you guessed it - self-serving, self-centered people that really believe it is all about them!
So, what’s the answer? Fulfill the great commission to Go (build relationships with everyone from the perspective of God, pointing them to our Savior – this is mentoring), Baptize (help those with whom you are in relationship to take that step of salvation where they proclaim to God, “I am yours”), and Teach (help them become fully devoted followers of Christ - disciples). This is covered in Matthew 28:18-20. Then teach them to mentor others...disciples making disciples.
Ok Church, now’s the time to act! Are you going to just sit back and coast into the Kingdom with a self-centered approach to your faith? If that’s your thought, you may want to revisit God in prayer and be certain you are on the right team! Doesn’t sound like a Christ follower to me! Or are you going to live a radical life of transformation…one that builds relationships and points people to the Savior? It is time for the True, Bold, Empowered, Body of Christ to stand up for what we believe…we believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, taught a few men to make disciples, was killed on a cross, laid in a tomb taking our sins to death with him, and then….then, He conquered death, rose and is waiting in heaven to be reunited with us, His bride, THE CHURCH! He gave us a simple task…Go, Baptize and Teach! And that is exactly what I intend to do! Will you join me?
In Romans 12:2, Paul gives us great counsel on how to live the Christian life. He writes, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God`s will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This is such a powerful verse and has been an incredible scripture for my personal spiritual growth in the past and today! The verse makes so much sense to me as a Christian…do not become so accustomed to what the world calls good, focus your mind on what God says is good and conform to that!
One reason this verse means so much to me is because God used this verse to get me focused on Him and not on the world. I used to be a sports radio junkie! Anything to do with sports, I was listening to it: ESPN radio, Mike and Mike, local sports …you name it. If you’ve ever listened to sports talk radio (and most other talk radio for that matter), the bulk of the conversations are negative, degrading, argumentative, and downright rude! For an entire year, I turned off all sports talk radio and focused my mind on scripture and Christian radio. I tried to listen to sports radio after that year and it made me cringe how negative the talk was and how disgusted it made me feel. I had filled my mind with this junk for years, and when you fill your mind with junk, a whole lot of junk comes out of your mouth! Garbage in, garbage out! Over that year, my relationships at home and with my friends changed (I still struggle with sarcastic humor…I am working on it!). I was calmer, not jumping to conclusions, forcing my opinion on others or arguing for the sake of being right. I didn’t put people down, see them as problems, or look past those in need. My perspective completely shifted…to a more biblical worldview! I am not saying that I am perfect in this area, but I can honestly say that I am a changed person (ask my wife)! By the way, I refuse to listen to sports talk even to this day…Going on 11 years!
That brings me back to my thought from this morning though…since the bulk of society, as well as most people claiming to be Christians, does not have a biblical worldview (seeing everything in life from the perspective of the Kingdom of God) how would this verse apply to them? Unfortunately, the “world” (I will define the “world” as non-Christians or Christians who do not hold true to biblical values) has their own version of this verse they use daily…they may not quote it, but their lives show it: I will not conform any longer to the pattern of the Church, I will be transformed by the relaxing of my mind. Then I will be able to impose my will on others…my good, pleasing and perfect will. New World Paraphrase.
Think about it…divorce is rampant, and people in the Church are as likely as non-churched people to get a divorce. Co-habitation has passed marriage in this country as the norm for a “committed” couple. Abortion is ok because a baby may intrude on my lifestyle. Lying is ok as long as “no one gets hurt”. Watching inappropriate stuff on TV is no problem because everyone else is watching. Viewing pornography isn’t really hurting anyone. Need I go on?
We have become so “ME” oriented that we have lost complete sight of God’s perspective on life – a biblical worldview. I have my theory as to why…want to hear it? We, The Church, have become so inward that we have forgotten what Jesus’ commanded us…to Go and Make Disciples! Jesus’ mentoring program was amazing and is very simple to follow. Yet, The Church has focused either on themselves (which will never make a disciple) or they have become so “seeker friendly” that they are afraid they will offend someone for sharing their faith. Both are cop outs! Focusing only on the members of our local congregations will only breed more self-serving, self-centered people that really believe it is all about them! Becoming so much like the secular world in order to draw in non-believers and then not sharing your faith creates…you guessed it - self-serving, self-centered people that really believe it is all about them!
So, what’s the answer? Fulfill the great commission to Go (build relationships with everyone from the perspective of God, pointing them to our Savior – this is mentoring), Baptize (help those with whom you are in relationship to take that step of salvation where they proclaim to God, “I am yours”), and Teach (help them become fully devoted followers of Christ - disciples). This is covered in Matthew 28:18-20. Then teach them to mentor others...disciples making disciples.
Ok Church, now’s the time to act! Are you going to just sit back and coast into the Kingdom with a self-centered approach to your faith? If that’s your thought, you may want to revisit God in prayer and be certain you are on the right team! Doesn’t sound like a Christ follower to me! Or are you going to live a radical life of transformation…one that builds relationships and points people to the Savior? It is time for the True, Bold, Empowered, Body of Christ to stand up for what we believe…we believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, taught a few men to make disciples, was killed on a cross, laid in a tomb taking our sins to death with him, and then….then, He conquered death, rose and is waiting in heaven to be reunited with us, His bride, THE CHURCH! He gave us a simple task…Go, Baptize and Teach! And that is exactly what I intend to do! Will you join me?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Don't Accept The World For What It Has Become!
When you choose to do nothing about the world around you, you choose to accept the world for what it is!
The world is truly messed up – that’s what happens when man chose to be disobedient to God! Sin is no longer considered wrong in the world’s eyes - co-habitation, abortion, homosexuality, laziness, self-centeredness, lying, cheating…I could go on for a while, but I think you get the point! But what is the greater problem; committing the sins but believing they are ok or watching those sins being committed, knowing they are wrong, and doing nothing about it? We do more harm standing by watching someone sin than we can ever do by confronting someone in love and walking with them along the path to freedom. Remember, sin is bondage...freedom can be elusive!
In Matthew 18, verses 15 – 17, Jesus lays out how we are to confront a brother who is sinning (someone professing to be a follower of Christ): 15 "If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that `every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. ` 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. By the way, a pagan and a tax collector is another way of saying someone that has not received Christ as their Savior!
So, how do we treat a pagan or a tax collector? We love them! We mentor them and love them by getting to know them, sharing our faith life with them and pointing them in a better direction…toward a saving God. When someone is living a life of sin that is where we, The Church, step in and join God by confronting the sin and loving the sinner! And don’t be prideful; we are all sinners…those of us who chose to accept it have simply been saved by Grace!
It’s your choice…stand back and watch the world around you crumble under the feet of Satan, or do something about it! When you see what is going on around the world, what are the things that get your blood boiling…those things that make your stomach turn and ache? That is the Holy Spirit giving you a passion…a call to action! We know the end of the story…Satan loses! But while we are here, our purpose is to love God and love others by making disciples, not by sitting back and coasting into the Kingdom!
Does domestic violence drive you to tears? Volunteer to mentor at your local women’s center and see where God takes you to serve.
Do you have a neighbor kid that is so obnoxious, so disrespectful that you want to give him a piece of your mind…and maybe even his parents? Befriend him; mentor him by getting into his world and showing him someone who cares about him because God loves him. Better yet, get to know his parents as well…there’s a good chance the parents could use some encouragement and possibly some mentoring as well.
Have you lied or cheated someone? Go seek forgiveness and make it right…not for personal gain, but for relational gain!
Are you co-habiting with a girlfriend or boyfriend? Break it off! You don’t have to break off the relationship, but you know what is right and what is wrong! Honoring God is way more rewarding than self gratification!
Do you know someone (or maybe that someone is you) who has had an abortion? Or maybe struggled with homosexuality, pornography or a sexual addiction? As followers of Christ, we need to come along side those who are hurting (and having an abortion, struggling with pornography, sexual addiction or even with homosexuality will definitely cause lots of hurt) and extend the love that Jesus showed for us to those individuals who are either stuck in sin, or who are dealing with past sin. Thing is, we all have dealt with past sin…and we all need a loving Savior, or someone to point us to a loving Savior!
There is a reason that Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and love others (see Matthew 22:35-40)…it is the very nature of God to love. He loved us enough to send His son to die for the sins we have and will commit. He didn’t have to, He wanted to! We don’t have to love others that way, we get to! This is what love looks like: We love our God so much that we begin seeing everyone around us from His perspective (that is the Holy Spirit’s guiding). We develop a passion or feel His call to make a difference in someone’s individual life or a group of people’s lives. We join God in the most remarkable, rewarding work we have ever done. We love others right alongside God! There is no better place to be! God gets the glory, and we get to join Him in the celebration!
Those who call Jesus their Savior are children of God. He loves all of His creation, but to be called His child we must be adopted into His family. He has given the invitation to be adopted through His Son, Jesus, and we only need to accept to be part of the family of God. There are many people in our lives that are truly loved by God but who are not yet members of His family. Are you willing to love them enough to mentor them and point them to a loving Creator that has invited them to be His children? If not you, who?
When you choose to do nothing about the world around you, you choose to accept the world for what it is! For this reason, Romans 12:2 warns us to not be conformed to the patterns of this world! No use complaining about something you’ve chosen to accept! We have the power to change the world…it only takes one Christian to sit back and do nothing for Satan to celebrate! We belong to Christ and He deserves the glory! Don’t complain about the world, do something about it!
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