Monday, March 19, 2012

The Key to Everything is Authentic Relationships

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotion and opportunity as God has provided so many ways to connect with friends from the past, make new friends, and network with like minded individuals in ways that can only come through God’s amazing provision. As many of you know, God opened up an opportunity for me to speak at an online conference called “Raise Your Vision”, speaking on the topic of Discipleship and Biblical Worldview. That talk will be made available very soon for us to link to this Blog, and for you to listen and view the outline from the conference. God directed this in such an incredible way, teaching me so much through the process about faith and obedience!
As I listened to many of the other 15 presenters during the 4-day conference, with talks geared toward Philanthropy and Marketplace Leaders, Ministry and Non-Profit Organizations, and Church Leaders and Pastors, on topics such as Social Media, Fund Raising, Grant Writing, Missions, Discipleship, Worldview, etc., I was amazed how God had brought this vastly different panelist group to speak at one conference on many different topics that all revolved around one crucial ingredient—Authentic Relationships! Every speaker discussed throughout the material, how the key to everything involving a God-honoring endeavor is relationships!
Authentic Relationships is what this 1,000 Conversations Movement (Mentoring AND Discipleship) is all about! When we seek a God-honoring relationship, we must never enter in with an agenda in mind—unless you consider being obedient to God and drawing them to Him an agenda! We approach Authentic Relationships by going back to the key scripture of how we are transformed, Romans 12:1-2, to see how we are to begin developing a biblical not conforming to the patterns of the world (a selfish secular worldview approach), but being transformed by renewing our minds on God’s Truth (a Biblical Worldview approach)! It is all about Him, not us! When we can grasp this worldview that drives us to relationships - because that’s what Jesus did and that’s what He asks of us (The Church) - we can then build relationships out of our love for Christ, and our love for those in which we are developing relationships.

Developing a Biblical Worldview is the beginning of building Authentic Relationships! It starts with us, and ends in Him!