Biblical Worldview is a subject in which God has been teaching me so much. Developing a Biblical Worldview is crucial if we desire to shift the culture of complacency within The Church to a culture of generosity - and by generosity I mean with our lives, not just our finances!
A lack of Biblical Worldview is a huge problem in The Church of today!
Coming to church is not about us, it's about Jesus.
Developing a Biblical Worldview aligns our thinking with God's so that when we gather we are together to worship Him, not focus on what we are getting out of the church, or whether or not the music is to our liking, or if someone is in our seat, or if we don't like what the person speaking has to say from the Word of God, or if we just don't like someone on the leadership team - whether that be a pastor, elder or deacon. These are not just generalities, these are all issues that have and are happening all around us at all our congregations, so this isn't just a "them" problem. Each of us must look within ourselves to discern if our thoughts, behaviors and actions are truly focused on God, or if they are simply self-seeking, making ourselves primary over God. Jesus must become more in our lives than only Savior...He must become Lord of our lives. When He is Lord, which means He owns us, Biblical Worldview makes total sense because everything is truly about Him, not us!
Our first goal as The Church must be to develop a biblical worldview where we discover it is all about Jesus not us. We see the results of a secular worldview in most people who call themselves Christians. They are negative and dissension follows them around and spreads to those who they come in contact with. Everything is about what they don't like or what someone else is doing wrong. When sin takes someone over, God will give them over to that sin which gets ugly way before it gets better. (Romans 1:18 - 2:1) God has a better way...(Romans 12:1-2) When He is our focus, we then listen to Him and love God and others. We worship Him, not ourselves. We go directly to a brother in sin, and confront and mentor them in love...we don't talk to everyone else about it, gossiping instead of loving. (Mt 18:15)
With a Biblical Worldview, relationships become key.
The reason relationships are key is because Jesus left a mission for The Church and that is to make disciples. (Mt 28:18-20) We cannot do so without building relationships. This may step on toes, but that may mean staying after church service and getting to know some of the people in our congregation instead of rushing out at a certain time to go to lunch. That may mean talking to that obnoxious neighbor kid to get to know him and be a healthy person for him to talk to or even call a mentor. When we stop focusing on ourselves (a selfish secular worldview), we can begin to focus on Jesus first (selfless Biblical Worldview), then God will develop you into the disciple He wants to use to build His kingdom.
Let me again define Mentoring and Discipleship:
Mentoring is building relationships with everyone in our realm of influence. Getting to know many people and keeping Christ at the center of all your conversations and in all you do - that is mentoring.
Discipleship begins once someone accepts Christ and is hungry to know Who He is and how they fit into His plan. This is when they are ready for the teachings of Biblical Worldview. This is also where they will begin understanding that followers of Christ continue the process - disciples making disciples.
The combination of these is what we refer to as Relational Discipleship.
And finally, this is not an option for the believer.
Biblical action trumps Biblical knowledge every time! Faith without action is meaningless - or as James puts it - Faith without action is dead! (James 2:14-17) When we develop a Romans 12:2 Biblical Worldview, we look to see what Jesus is asking of us - after all we are His, not our own! We then take Jesus' words seriously when He tells us in Mt 28:18-20 to Go make disciples. And we do this out of our love for Him, not to gain anything more from Him. We do what He says out of a response for our transforming life - because that is who we are!
A Simple, Yet Telling Question:
Are you willing to mentor 5 people in the coming year?
How about 2 people?
How about 1?
And remember, mentoring is building relationships with a Christ-centered focus, always pointing to Him.
Now those who have said no or worse didn't even respond in your heart, I challenge you to pray all this week about why you attend church, if you are coming for yourself or for Him. Then, your next step may be to seek out a mentor to walk along side you in developing a Biblical Worldview. This is not about condemning anyone, this is about assessing our own hearts to grow us all up in Christ! My passion for The Church is to develop communities where the lost are found (mentored), and the found are grown up (discipled)!
Next Steps:
- Check out the posts on this blog, measure them up with scripture, and apply what God reveals to you in your life.
- Begin to develop a Biblical Worldview - renewing your minds on God's word, absorbing the teaching on Biblical Worldview from the pulpit, and growing in the most important relationship you will ever have - with Jesus Christ!
- Seek out someone to mentor you - to walk along side of you as you seek God's purpose for your life.
- Then mentor others!
The Church was created by Christ and we must begin making disciples now! How...start Mentoring the lost (to be found), and Disciple the found (to be grown up)! If we are truly followers of Christ, this is not an option, this is who we are because of Who saved us!
In Christ's Service,
Rob Boyland
Connect via Twitter: @rboyland