How much time do we waste doing sinful things (lying, cheating, lusting, coveting, gossiping, etc.) when we could be doing redemptive things? Having a Biblical Worldview frees up so much wasted time that the excuse that I am too busy is no longer valid!
How do you know if you are wasting redemptive time on things not of God? One simple measure is that when God shows you a need, or gives you a heart for someone or something, or gives you a desire to give of your time or finances, and you cannot “fit it into your schedule” or “into your budget”, then you need to step back and see what or who is taking place of God in your life! Good things in our eyes, without God at the center, become idols in our lives…thus, they are sin!
When God is at the center, we will always have time to join Him in His mission. He desires all of us, not just what’s left after the budget or after our selfish wants are met. God will never ask more of you than what He has equipped (or will equip) you to do…and He will walk you through everything He calls you to do!
As 2012 approaches, evaluate your life and the things that take up much of your time. Pray that God shows you what is sinful that needs to be removed, and what is of Him that needs to be developed! Then, get rid of the sin and join Him in His redemptive work in your life! You will be blessed and those around you will be blessed even more! Make 2012 the year that God made a huge move in your life…and don’t look back!
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