Over the past few months, we have witnessed something in America that is seldom seen, especially at the level that has been consistently shown...a very public figure, a quarterback in the NFL, has been sharing His faith, and even more specific Jesus Christ, to the world that tunes in.
Tim Tebow, former college football standout and now quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has raised the bar for those of us who claim to be followers of Christ. He publicly prays, gives God the glory whether he wins or loses, and never misses a chance to share Jesus with anyone listening to him. It's rather comical that when Tim prays on the field, it is referred to as Tebowing. It is sad too that this man is continually mocked for his faith. I guess that is what Jesus was talking about (at least in America where the persecution is much more different) when He said that we should count it a blessing when we are persecuted on behalf of Him!
So what can we learn or take from all this Tebow publicity? For one, we can learn to show character and integrity in all aspects of our life...especially in that we do not have to be one person in Church and around our church friends, and a totally different person at work or school. We truly lack character and integrity when we play schizophrenic with our faith! Secondly, we can use this very public topic to bring up spiritual conversations with those around us who do not believe the things we do. Everyone has an opinion, so we can use that as a conversation starter for people around us so that we can begin, or continue, those mentoring conversations in hopes to draw some to the good news of Jesus!
So whether Tebow and the Broncos win or lose, let's learn from this man and boldly proclaim our love and devotion to Jesus Christ, the man Who died for us so that we could live forever with Him! I think that whenever God looks down and sees Tim Tebow boldly professing his faith in Jesus, He looks down and says that line that we all desire to hear..."well done my good and faithful servant." May we all live our lives in an open and obedient way that screams to those around us, "I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am proud to be part of His family!"
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you.”
John 15:18-20 NIV
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