“Too many churchgoers are singing “Standing on the Promises” when all
they are doing is sitting on the premises.” Group Media
Statistics are all over the board...Volunteerism is down in American churches. Some stats say that 90% of all volunteer work is done by 10% of the congregation. Other stats say that only 43% of congregants will ever volunteer. In the world that secularism has created, this seems natural. After all, when everything revolves around us it makes little sense to serve others. Unfortunately, that thinking has crashed into The Church in a big way. The problem isn't just a volunteer issue (or lack thereof), it’s a Worldview issue.
Acts 20:35 tells us that Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than receive”. He said that because He knew we would not naturally think that way. It makes more sense to us that the blessing comes when we receive, not when we give. This is a classic example of a Worldview battle. The Secular Worldview tells us that we are most important and that we are blessed when we receive - others should serve us. But, Jesus turns that thinking on it’s ugly head when He shows us what having a Biblical Worldview looks like. We are blessed when we give...of ourselves, our talents, our finances, our very lives. The Church needs to get this!
Serving in the local church is an act of obedience to Christ - a Body works together. It’s not to be done to gain His love...He already loves us. It’s not to be done to gain approval from Him or others. There’s nothing we can do or say that will make God love us more or less than He already does...and He doesn't play favorites! Serving is an outward expression of our love for Jesus and His Church (which is His bride that He loves so well). Serving is a natural step in the Discipleship process. Just as Relationships are key in making disciples, serving is key in growing the disciple into a mature believer.
So where do you go from here? First, pray...ask God to show you where you can serve. There are many ways and areas to serve. If you already know your gifts and talents (how God has wired you to be most effective - your sweet spot), let your church leadership, pastors or your connections people know - put a note on the communication card in your bulletin with your name, contact info and area or type of service you feel led to serve.
If you would like to fill out a Spiritual Gift Assessment to figure out how God has gifted you for service, check out the following website as it will walk you through some questions that will narrow down the areas you are gifted:
So get out there, discover your God-given gifts and passions and serve the One worthy or all our praise, worship and service!
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